Easy Does it When it Comes to Postpartum Sex

Easy Does it When it Comes to Postpartum Sex

Between changing hormone, sleep deprivation and caring for a newborn, sex may not top your priority list right now. But don’t worry. At some point, you’ll probably feel a spark and want to get intimate with your partner again.

Take Your Time

Some women, feel great soon after they have their baby. But for others, it takes a little while to feel back to normal. Whether you had a vaginal delivery or a C-section, your healthcare provider will likely recommend you wait four to six weeks to have sex. Doctors usually recommend that women avoid sex in the first six weeks postpartum, both to promote healing and to reduce the risk of infection.

Even if you’re feeling frisky sooner, there are a few good reasons to hold off on lovemaking. For example, your cervix goes through changes during childbirth and needs time to heal. Plus, while you are healing, your uterus is more susceptible to infection. Sex can also interfere with proper healing if you had a tear or episiotomy.

But even after you are given the green light, you might not feel very sexy. It’s important to set your own timeline for postpartum sex. If you don’t quite have that loving feeling as soon as you hit six weeks postpartum, talk to your partner and explain how you feel. Communication is key to preventing hurt feelings.

Finding Your Groove

Instead of putting pressure on yourself to have sex, start by spending some alone time with your partner. Don’t put expectations on what will happen. Just try to relax and enjoy your partner’s company. Talk, give each other a massage or have a glass of wine. If you give sex a try and need to scrub the mission due to discomfort, try again another time. It may take a little while, but you’ll find your groove!

Keep in mind, hormones can lead to vaginal dryness, especially if you are breastfeeding. Take it slow and consider using a water-based lubricant to ease discomfort. It’s also essential to be open with your partner and tell him if something is uncomfortable.

Think Contraception

Don’t get fooled into thinking you are not fertile just because you are breastfeeding or have not had a period since you delivered. It is possible to ovulate even as early as four weeks after you deliver.

Depending on what type of birth control you used prior to pregnancy, you may be able to continue to use that method. But there are a few things to be aware of. If you used a diaphragm, you need to be refitted again about six weeks after you deliver.

Certain types of birth control pills, such as those containing estrogen only, may interfere with milk production and breastfeeding. Your best bet is to discuss your contraception options with your doctor.


Written by Mary Ann DePietro @writerlady34

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