Every single day, your little ones change and become more engaged with the world around them. Right now can be an especially fun and exciting time, because you are watching your baby’s personality develop before your very eyes. With that development, you are probably wondering how best to play with your growing baby.
Play between babies and their parents is so important, both for brain development and social awareness. Babies and young children learn through play, and you have an opportunity to help your little one feel connected and involved as you embrace their desire to engage.
But what kind of baby activities are best for your little 4 to 5 month old?
Right now, your baby is becoming much more interested in exploring his or her little world. They are becoming more physical, gaining in their ability to reach for certain objects, to focus on objects that are further away, and even to maneuver around through rolling. So activities that allow them to use those new skills can be great fun for you both! Try blowing bubbles for your baby and encouraging them to pop the bubbles that float nearby. Or place your baby on his or her belly for tummy time and lie down opposite them with a ball in between you. You can then roll the ball in front of your baby (slowly, of course) and encourage them to try to catch it.
At the same time, your baby’s other senses are developing as well. Bring a few items out of your spice cabinet and invite your little one to smell the different scents. Vanilla, nutmeg and cinnamon can all be great options.
By now, your baby has probably been laughing and smiling for a while. You’ve also likely learned that there is no better sound in the world than your little one’s giggles. So work to bring more of those giggles on by playing a game of “I’m going to get you!” followed up by gentle tickles, of course! Babies love the build up of this, and the anticipation is likely to bring on just as much laughter as the actual tickles.
This Little Piggy is another game little ones love at this age. If you need a quick refresher, “This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had roast beef, this little piggy had none, and this little piggy went wee-wee-wee all the way home!” Of course, don’t forget to tickle up their bellies with that “wee-wee-wee!”
And don’t forget to keep narrating your life for your baby as well. Even when you aren’t actively engaging in baby activities, they are learning from everything you say and do!
Written by Leah Campbell, infertility advocate, adoptive mama, writer and editor. Find me @sifinalaska on Twitter.
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