Inspiration for Mothering

Inspiration for Mothering

When it’s going well, mothering is fun, rewarding, joyous, awe-inspiring. But there are times when moms need a little inspiration to keep going – to feel like we’re making a difference in the world and that all of our efforts are worth it. Affirmations help us put the power of positive thinking to work in our own lives.

Take the following affirmations and put them around your house – on your bathroom mirror, your dresser, the changing table, the fridge, inside a kitchen cabinet door. When you feel the need for connection with other mothers or a pick-me-up when your day’s not going well, read one quote and keep it in mind throughout your day. Repeat the affirmations to yourself as a prayer to get through your more challenging days.

  1. My mothering is helping my baby grow and thrive.
  2. I can handle any problem I face. Adversity makes me a stronger mother.
  3. I am slowing down to be present with my baby throughout the day.
  4. I am not afraid to ask for help if I need it.
  5. I love my baby.
  6. A fussy baby is not a reflection on my mothering.
  7. I give love freely to my baby, and freely accept my baby’s love and trust.
  8. I am learning to parent with confidence.
  9. Each day, I am a better mother.
  10. I trust my intuition.
  11. I am a calm island for my baby in a stormy world.
  12. I am in harmony with my baby.
  13. No mother is perfect. Each day I am learning something new.
  14. Mothering my baby is joyful and filled with wonderful surprises.
  15. I appreciate my baby and my life each day.
  16. My baby is unique, and my mothering is tailored to meet his or her needs.
  17. My baby accepts my flaws without judgment, helping me accept them, too.
  18. I am strong, and grow stronger in my mothering each day.
  19. I believe in myself as a mother.
  20. I am a good mother.

What are your favorite mothering mantras? What can you add to the list?


Written by Michelle, childbirth instructor, lactation consultant, and mother to 4 busy kids

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice.  All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2016. All rights reserved.