One of the first, and most telling, signs of pregnancy is a definitive change in your breasts and nipples. Chances are, from the moment you first found out you were pregnant, your nipples were already changing and you experienced some degree of breast tenderness. These changes are just the beginning, and many women are quite frankly surprised how immensely pregnancy changes one of their most intimate body parts. Pregnancy nipples. What exactly is happening here? Read on….
Not only will your nipples darken as you progress through pregnancy, but they will also get larger. In some cases, much larger and much darker. This can be alarming to go from dime sized nipples to suddenly looking down at what seems like saucers for nipples. But it’s completely natural and normal. Just remember, your body is intuitively preparing you for breastfeeding regardless of whether you are planning to or not.
Another change is that you may develop some bumps around the areola. Called Montgomery or areolar glands, they secrete an oily substance that keeps the areola from becoming chapped and may serve as a locator signal for your baby’s fine-tuned sense of smell.
Occasionally, women have ‘extra nipples’ they never noticed before or they simply thought were moles. Nearer to the end of pregnancy, these nipples may expel some liquid, and after childbirth, they often lactate. Sounds strange, but in some cases, women develop several lactating nipples in the arm-pit or even on the belly area. This occurs in fewer than 5% of all pregnancies, but can surely be disconcerting if it happens for you. If you have any concerns, your best bet is to simply check with your doctor or a qualified lactation professional.
So now that you have quarter sized, darker nipples that may or may not have developed extra lactating spots – you are wondering if your boobs will ever return to normal, right? For most women, the answer is no. Pregnancy and the hormones related to pregnancy definitely change the shape, size and look of your breasts – whether you breastfeed or not. While the darker color may fade and your nipples may reduce in size, they will probably never go back to the way they looked before.
The good news is that you will come out on the other end of pregnancy with a deeper respect and admiration for your body – nipples included. The changes in your body during pregnancy – both the permanent and temporary ones – are definitely a tribute to just how amazing and awesome your female body is.
Written By Stef, Mom of 4 @Momspirational
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