Inevitably at your baby shower, someone probably gave you a baby book. And as you flipped through the pages, you oohed and awed and promised not to miss a thing. You would be committed to documenting baby’s milestones, the doctor’s appointments, and everything in between.
Unfortunately, if you’re like a lot of new moms with the best of intentions, you may have recently stumbled across that baby album for the first time since that fateful shower—realizing only now that you haven’t documented a thing. No remembrance of any of baby’s milestones to be found.
Don’t fret! There is still totally hope!
First of all, if the baby album just feels too overwhelming to you (there are SO many questions to answer, and you can start to feel a bit bad if you don’t remember all the answers)—toss it. You don’t need a baby album to document your baby’s milestones. Some people like them, because they are already organized and they can guide you through what to memorialize, but you are by no means locked into that book.
A very simple alternative can be to pick up a blank notebook—one you use to write in every night (or every week) before bed as you document your baby’s journey from this point forward.
Another idea is to begin a photo album. Even if you haven’t done anything with your baby’s photos up to this point, you likely still have them (maybe they’re even still on your camera) and you can easily upload them to any online printing company and either have them turn it into a book for you, or take the time to organize those photos yourself and add text memorializing the milestones you remember.
The good news is, most of the biggest milestones are still yet to come! You can keep that notebook (or baby album) handy now so that you are ready and waiting to write down your baby’s first words, the date of his or her first steps, and even funny sentences and phrases that your little one may utter in years to come.
Pssst… We’ve got one great piece of advice for you: our baby app allows you to document these things on your phone, thus, you have plenty of options to document your baby’s milestones. It’s all just about finding what works best for you!
Written by Leah Campbell, infertility advocate, adoptive mama, writer and editor. Find me @sifinalaska on Twitter.
This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general informational basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice. All contents copyright Health & Parenting Ltd 2016. All rights reserved.