After having your baby and nursing, you may have a new appreciation for what your breasts can do. But you might be starting to wonder if your boobs will ever look the same again.
Along with the rest of your body, your breasts probably underwent some changes during pregnancy. Some of which may be continuing even after you had your baby. You knew your breasts would get larger and maybe change a little, but are these changes permanent?
It’s difficult to say whether your breasts will be exactly the same after you wean your baby. It may depend on how much weight you gained, how fast you gained it, and if this is your first baby or your fourth. It also depends on what changes you are talking about.
Some of the changes, such as larger and darker nipples, may go away a few months after you stop nursing. Cracked, sore nipples from breastfeeding will also go away. But a few other changes may be here to stay.
Between pregnancy weight gain, hormones and your milk coming in, your breast tissue expanded and your skin stretched. As a result, some women develop stretch marks on their breasts. In some cases, laser treatments and prescription retinoid creams may help reduce the appearance of stretch marks, but results vary. Keep in mind, these treatments are not recommended while you are breastfeeding.
Once you stop breastfeeding, your breasts may or may not return to their pre-pregnancy size. Some women notice their boobs are a bit smaller or a bit larger. You may also notice “the girls” are not as perky as they were before. Before you blame breastfeeding for your drooping boobies, pregnancy is the real culprit.
During pregnancy, your breasts increased in size, which caused the ligaments that support them to stretch. The stretching is what can lead to sagging.
It’s important to understand, everyone is different, and not all women experience permanent changes in how their breasts look. But if you’re unhappy with your post-pregnancy breasts, there are a few things you can try. For example, a good, supportive bra may add a little oomph to your cleavage.
Also, once you get the go-ahead to work out, consider adding a little strength training to your routine. Pushups, chest flys and bench presses all work the pectoral muscles, which are the muscles that support your breasts. Working your chest muscles won’t give you a larger cup size or fuller breasts. But developing your pectoral muscles, may give your chest a little perkier, lifted appearance.
Lastly, try to focus on what an amazing thing your body did. Your breasts provided the nutrition your baby needed. Regardless of your cup size, that’s a beautiful thing.
Written by MaryAnn DePietro @writerlady34
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