Splish, Splash, Baby in the Bath!

Now that you are a few months into parenting, you probably feel like a baby bath time professional. You’ve likely tried the smaller tubs in the sink, and have graduated to a larger baby tub placed in your actual bathtub by now. But every day your little one gets stronger and moves around more, and that squirming can create a few extra challenges for bath time!

It is also around this time that babies might start protesting a little more in the tub, especially when it comes to water around their heads and faces. But you still have to wash their scalps, so what can you do?

Some parents find that bathing with their little ones can alleviate a lot of these problems. Babies who are a few months old are simply more secure in Mom or Dad’s arms, and Mom and Dad usually feel a bit more comfortable with the hold they have on baby when they are in the tub too. Plus, little ones can still benefit from skin to skin contact at this age, and getting in the tub with your baby can be a great bonding experience.

But even if bathing with your little one isn’t your thing, there are still ways to make bath time more fun for you both.

For starters, make sure you have everything you will need (baby friendly soap, a towel, a washcloth, etc.) within arms reach before you start the bath, so that you won’t have to leave your baby’s side at all. This is important both for safety (never, ever leave the room when your baby is in the tub) and for your little one’s security.

Make sure the water is warm, but not hot, and have a few toys in the tub for your baby to start grasping at and playing with. It’s normal for some little ones to start exhibiting a fear of the water, so your role is simply to keep a smile on your face and to demonstrate to your baby how fun the water can be. Laugh when he or she splashes and talk to them throughout the bath.

Babies only need to be bathed two or three times a week, and using a baby friendly lotion or oil immediately after the bath can help to prevent and treat dry skin.

One thing to keep in mind during baby bath time: little “surprises,” otherwise known as baby poop and pee, are routinely deposited in the tub by little ones. Think of this as a parental rite of passage, and be sure to get your little one out, lotioned, and safely put in their crib or baby swing before you start in on the cleaning duty.

Written by Leah Campbell, infertility advocate, adoptive mama, writer and editor. Find me @sifinalaska on Twitter.

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