Your little bundle may have weighed seven or eight pounds when he was born. But don’t be surprised if he loses a little bit of weight within the first week or two. Your baby is supposed to gain weight. Right? So is weight loss after birth something to be concerned about?
It’s fairly common for babies to lose weight within their first week or so of life. When you took your baby for his well-baby visit at one week, you might have been told he lost a little weight. A weight loss of five to ten percent is common. Formula fed babies tend to lose a little less than breastfed babies.
There are a few reasons why your baby’s weight may have taken a downturn at first. When you were in labor, you may have been given fluids intravenously. Your baby could have also retained some of the fluid, which made her weight at birth a few ounces more. But over the next several days, your baby starts regulating her fluid balance and may lose a little weight.
Plus, newborns typically don’t eat a lot during their first few days, so your baby may not have gained anything the first week or so. But by your two-week well-baby visit, your baby may have gained what he lost and have returned to his birth weight or beyond. A healthy baby regains weight within 10-12 days and will be back to his birth weight. But don’t panic if it takes your little one a bit longer to gain the weight back. It does not necessarily mean he is not getting enough nutrients.
One way to determine if your baby is getting enough milk is by counting his wet and poopy diapers. If you are breastfeeding, seven to ten wet diapers a day and four or five poopy ones are a good gauge that your little one is taking in enough milk. As always, if you have any concerns that your baby is not getting enough milk or is losing weight, talk to your pediatrician.
So once your baby is back up to his weight at birth, what can you expect? A weight gain of about six to eight ounces a week for the first month is typical. From age one to four months of age, a one and half to two-pound weight gain a month is average. By about six months, your baby may have doubled his birthweight.
Keep in mind, babies don’t always gain weight according to the textbooks. The amount of weight your little one gains each month may vary depending on how much he is fed and whether you are breastfeeding or formula feeding. Genetics may also play a role in how fast he puts on the pounds.
Written by MaryAnn DePietro@writerlady34
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