Interactive Toys & Activities for Your 6-month-old

Your baby has come such a long way from the eat-sleep-poop newborn to this little ball of energy who is starting to sit and maybe even wanting to crawl. He can roll around, and pass objects from hand to hand. He may not be able to pick up tiny objects yet, but he can rake things into his hands. He’s doing so many new things, so fast.

Babies around six months old …

… can see in full color, have improved distance vision, and can track moving objects well.

… can react to their own names, and tell your emotions from the tone of your voice.

… can find partially hidden objects, and will toil to get objects that are out of reach.

Six-month-olds are sociable – they love playing and cuddling with caregivers. Your baby will enjoy repeating sounds you’re making, and may even babble away all day long – especially if you’re providing feedback! Mimicking your baby’s expressions and sounds will help her learn about body language and the art of conversation. Talk, read or sing to your baby as much as you can – it’s the start of language learning.

Provide a safe area for baby to explore. Be sure you’ve started childproofing your home, since your baby will soon begin exploring every corner. Babies this age will put everything in their mouths – from fuzz they find on the floor, to dog food, to the button you didn’t know fell off your coat. Be sure that small and fragile items are out of reach. Gate any stairs and close doors where you can to keep baby contained.

Get down on the floor and play with your baby every day. Place toys just out of his reach once in a while, and allow him to strengthen his upper body, and gain more balance and coordination, by reaching for them. Toys your baby might like at this age include:

  • Any kind of ball: Soft balls and open balls are easy for tiny hands to manipulate. And textured balls will give your baby different tactile experiences. Your baby will love rolling the ball back and forth with you and chasing after those rolls that miss the target.
  • Anything with mirrors: Babies love looking at faces, and looking at his own in a shatterproof mirror allows him to develop his sense of self.
  • Toys that are made for manipulation: Any bead maze, activity gym or busy board gives babies opportunities to use logic skills and to learn how moving parts work on a very basic level.
  • Books: Soft fabric books or board books should be available for baby to handle. Read to your baby every day. Literacy learning can start even before six months. The great thing about the fabric books is that they’re washable; and since he likes to put everything in his mouth, they won’t get destroyed in the same way board books might.
  • Teethers: Around this age, your baby will start getting teeth. But even before those pearly whites appear, baby may need something to soothe sore gums. Teethers with nubs and textures, as well as ones that can be chilled, are good options.
  • Cooking and kitchen supplies: You don’t need to spend tons of money on specialty toys. Babies will play with just about anything. Consider filling a low cupboard in the kitchen with plastic bowls or containers with lids, wooden spoons, and measuring cups. Then allow baby to clean out the cupboard while you’re working.

Written by Michelle, childbirth instructor, lactation consultant, and mother to 4 busy kids

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice.  All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2016. All rights reserved.

Your 9-Month-Old

Your baby will soon be a year old. So much has changed over the last several months! Here’s what you can expect around 9-months-old:

On the Move

Your baby has likely been crawling for a while now, and may be trying to pull to a standing position. Once standing, he may enjoy cruising around the furniture. Hold your baby’s hands and allow him to walk across the room and back with your support! If your baby is a climber, make sure you teach him to climb back down safely. Gate stairs and close doors to keep baby safe.

Your baby can also change positions pretty easily now, from crawling to sitting and then on the move again. Be sure your home is safe for baby to explore. Childproofing is an ongoing battle – just when you think you’ve got it all taken care of, baby reaches another milestone! Crawl around with your baby (who will think it great fun) and check for any hazards.

Other motor skills are improving, too. Your baby has probably mastered the pincer grasp (grabbing small objects with the thumb and forefinger), and can move toys from hand to hand (and then straight to the mouth). Toys that allow them to manipulate objects – stacking cups, sorting toys, building blocks, etc. – will give your baby a chance to work his mind as well as practice his fine motor skills.

Making Conversation

All day long it seems like your baby is talking to you, though you don’t really know what he’s saying. By answering his babbling, you’re teaching him how to converse. Throughout the day, name objects around the house, on your walk, in the grocery store, at the park, etc. Your baby will likely begin to mimic your sounds, eventually saying simple words like ‘mama’ and ‘dada.’

Even though he can’t talk yet, he will be able to understand many words, as well as gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice. Your baby will also start to understand the word ‘no,’ and you may find yourself saying it more often. Setting limits can begin even at this early age.

Stranger Anxiety

Your baby may begin to be wary of new people, and maybe even people he knows but doesn’t see often (like grandparents or a sitter). He may be clingy with you, and may fuss when you try to leave. These are normal changes related to your baby’s growing brain – his awareness of self and others, his memory, and the idea of object permanence are all maturing. Separation anxiety is always worse when baby is tired, hungry or ill. It usually peaks between 10 and 18 months, and is usually gone by age 2.

Mealtime Fun

Your baby is probably a little gourmet, having started solid foods around 6 months. Your baby may enjoy small, soft pieces of food he can feed to himself. He can start to have cheese and yogurt around this time, if you haven’t already introduced them. Breastmilk or formula should still be your baby’s main source of calories, though. He might like to try using a spoon – though he won’t be very good at it yet.

Your baby may also enjoy learning to use a cup around this time. Try to find a cup with handles, which will be easier for your baby to manipulate. Most parents opt for ‘sippy cups’ with spillproof spouts. But you can teach your baby to drink from a straw or even an open cup, too. Simply fill the cup with water and let your baby experiment with it. It will take a while before he’s proficient enough to take all his liquid from cups.

Written by Michelle, childbirth instructor, lactation consultant, and mother to 4 busy kids

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice.  All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2016. All rights reserved.

Flying With Baby

When my daughter was 5-weeks-old, my husband had a conference to attend and I had decided to go with him. We dropped the preschoolers off at grandma’s house, and took baby along. It was probably one of the easiest trips I’ve ever taken – even though we had a short layover and needed to change planes.

Just because you’ve got a little one doesn’t mean you need to stop enjoying the world. Babies are pretty portable, and they tend to enjoy anywhere you are. It doesn’t need to be a trip to Disney World yet – it can be a visit to your friends in another city. Traveling with a baby simply takes some additional planning – especially when you’re flying.

Give yourself lots of extra time for security, baggage checking, and getting to your gate. Flying overnight – or at naptime – can be helpful. Your baby may sleep through the whole thing! Dress your baby and yourself in layers and be sure you wear comfortable shoes.


While you may have been able to get along with just a carry-on for past trips, you’ll likely have checked luggage on this trip. Take advantage of curbside luggage check-in, if available. Know ahead what counts as a carry-on. You may have a diaper bag, purse, stroller, car seat and small suitcase, and you don’t want to be caught off guard at the gate.

Wearing your baby in a sling or soft carrier may make maneuvering in the airport much easier than trying to do so with a stroller. You’ll have both hands free to steer the luggage. If you bring the stroller, you may end up using it as a luggage cart! Know your airline’s policies for gate checking larger items.

Pack extras of everything – you never know when flights will change due to weather or other issues. Being stuck in an airport without diapers and wipes will be a challenge, so make sure you have plenty.

Check with your airline:

Will you be purchasing and extra seat so you can bring baby’s car seat? Or will the airline allow you to hold your baby? Are there regulations for size you need to take into account? Even though it’s one more bulky thing to carry, a child safety seat may be better than keeping your baby in arms throughout the flight. You’ll have more mobility, and you will have a little more space.

Some airlines have priority boarding for families, but some don’t. It’s helpful to know ahead of time. Getting your baby settled and all your stuff stowed before other passengers start to board can relieve a lot of stress. You’ll also want to keep baby safe as others are placing their belongings in the overhead bins.

Choose your seat ahead if you can. If you’re bringing a safety seat, airlines may have restrictions on where these can be placed (not in a row with emergency exits, for instance). Bulkhead seats also tend to be a little roomier and a little more private (your baby won’t be bothering anyone in front of you).

Check your airline’s website for additional information about their policies – for example, will you need to bring baby’s birth certificate? Will you need a boarding pass for baby?

On your flight:

If you’re breastfeeding, you may want to nurse your baby during take off and landing. The sucking helps to help with the pressure build-up in baby’s ears, and will keep him calm (and quiet). A pacifier or bottle will work, too.

Depending on the length of your flight and your baby’s age, you may need to pack some toys to keep baby busy. Consider buying one or two new toys that baby has never seen before – the wonder of exploring something new may keep baby busy longer. Even a Baby Einstein video downloaded to your tablet can be a life-saver on a long plane ride.

Have you traveled with a baby? What tips do you have for other parents?

Written by Michelle, childbirth instructor, lactation consultant, and mother to 4 busy kids

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice.  All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2016. All rights reserved.

Do Babies Dream?

You’re snuggling your little one to sleep and look down to see a tiny smile flickering across her face. You love watching her sleep – the calm breathing and soft warm body against yours. When she first falls asleep, you notice her twitching eyes and small body movements – and you wonder what she might be dreaming about, hopeful it’s about the pleasant life you have created for her filled with mother’s love.

Sleep Cycles

Adults move through 5 sleep cycles, starting off in deep sleep and moving into lighter sleep. As the hours pass, adults spend more time in light, REM sleep and less in deep sleep, spending about a quarter of their overall sleep time in the REM stage. And REM sleep (so-called because of the rapid eye movements of this stage) is associated with dreaming.

Infants, on the other hand, sleep differently. They enter sleep in the REM stage for about 20 minutes, and then move into deep sleep. Infant sleep cycles are also much shorter than adult cycles – babies move from REM to deep and back to REM in about an hour whereas adults take about 90 minutes to complete a cycle. This means babies spend a much greater proportion of their sleep time in the REM stage – about 50 to 80 percent of their total sleep.

Brain Growth

Human babies are the most neurologically immature mammals – with brains that are only a portion of their adult brain volume and that take a long time to mature. At birth, your baby has all of the neurons she will ever have, but they still need to form more connections. This interconnectivity is the basis for memory storage, learning, emotions, and more.

By age 3, your baby’s brain is about 80 percent of it’s adult size and has twice as many synapses as an adult brain. During those first 3 years of growth, the rapid brain growth leaves room for pruning – eliminating unused connections – which will take place through adolescence.

What we know from research is that there’s lots of activity going on inside your baby’s growing brain when she’s in the early stages of sleep. Scientists believe babies are processing newly acquired knowledge while they are asleep, making new connections and pathways in their brains. This is linked very closely to language learning for your wee little one.

So, do babies dream?

Our dreams tend to have a storyline based on our past experiences. If we translate this to babies, there is not much they can dream about apart from diaper changes and eating. But every interaction with the world gives your baby new input.

While babies might not be dreaming in the same way we do, their brains are working hard during sleep. Experts say that by age 2 or 3, children’s vivid imaginations can lead to vivid dreaming (and maybe even nightmares). By age 7 or 8, when children develop a stronger sense of self, dreams tend to take on more of the story-like quality we associate with the activity.

Since babies can’t yet tell us, we’re not absolutely certain that they’re not dreaming. Regardless of whether or not your baby is imaging a relaxing breastfeeding session, a nap on dad’s chest, or is simply filing away the sights and sounds of the day, REM sleep is helping your baby’s brain development.

Written by Michelle, childbirth instructor, lactation consultant, and mother to 4 busy kids

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice.  All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2016. All rights reserved.

Mommy Mush Brain

Do you find yourself walking into a room and completely forgetting why you’re there? Are you not remembering to do things unless they’re on your “to-do” list? Do you look down at your baby and think, “When was the last time I fed you? Did I just change you? Was it yesterday or the day before that you had a bath?” You’re not losing your mind – you just have mommy mush brain.

While your forgetfulness may seem like a liability, the changes your brain undergoes when you have a baby are amazing adaptations to becoming a mother, and may be necessary for time investment and caretaking behaviors toward your baby.

Your emotions are all over the place.
Your hormones change during pregnancy, and experience a huge shift again at birth and throughout the postpartum period. Oxytocin is the main hormone; and, the more involved you are in caring for your baby, the higher the levels. Other hormones, like prolactin, adrenaline, nor-adrenaline and estrogen are also active in mom’s body. This hormone cocktail is what causes you to cry at sappy commercials or simply when thinking about your baby in the days after birth.

Your brain grows.
Amazingly, your brain actually increases in volume after your baby is born. The parts of your brain controlling empathy, pleasure, anxiety and sociability increase in activity and size when you have a baby (even during pregnancy). These changes are led by hormones – the same ones that give you the tiger mother protectiveness toward your newborn, the same ones that make you a nervous wreck when you think of all the bad things that could happen, and the same ones that make you love your offspring unconditionally.

Your mothering behavior is fueled by the pleasure centers of the brain.
Oxytocin, the hormone of love, surges at birth, and is present throughout breastfeeding. It’s the hormone released when you hold someone’s hand, stroke your baby’s skin, cuddle your baby close, share a meal with a friend. Oxytocin makes us feel good – and this lights up the parts of the brain associated with pleasure. While you may doubt that waking 10 times a night to settle a baby is pleasurable, the release of oxytocin ensures that you will keep caring for your baby – you are addicted to your baby in a good way.

Some changes are temporary, while others last a lifetime.
The forgetfulness new moms experience seems to be a temporary change – so you can look forward to restored memory capability! But researchers are just starting to determine what changes permanently alter a woman’s brain. They believe it’s likely that your brain never quite returns to the way it was before having a baby – new connections and pathways are established that may change your brain forever (usually in a positive way!). Another strange change that researchers aren’t sure what to make of is that they have found male chromosomes in the brains of moms who have given birth to boys.

Breastfeeding causes changes, too.
A breastfeeding mom and baby are called a dyad for a reason – their interdependence and linked systems work together and both change as a result. The milk-making neurological pathways of your brain are continually reinforced and enlarged each time your baby eats. Again, it’s oxytocin mainly at play. Not only is oxytocin released (ensuring loving maternal behaviors) but new receptors are created, increasing your sensitivity to the hormone. Breastfeeding also lowers the response to stress hormones – which could save the brain from the damaging effects of anxiety over the long-term.

Research about how women’s brains change in pregnancy and motherhood can inform future medical treatments for individual women. Therapies that may work on a never-pregnant woman might not be effective for women who have given birth. In addition, researchers are mapping the way the brain works during mothering to help those who have postpartum mood disorders.

So, next time you lose your phone or misplace the car keys, instead of worrying that you’re going crazy, embrace the changes and know that you’re officially part of the new mom’s club.

Written by Michelle, childbirth instructor, lactation consultant, and mother to 4 busy kids

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice.  All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2016. All rights reserved.

Baby Bonding Blues

As mothers, we have been programmed to expect some amazing things in the immediate days, weeks and months that follow the birth of our baby.  There has been so much glamorization about baby bonding after childbirth, that many women go into labor and delivery and expect to instantaneously be transformed the exact moment they see their new baby. They expect to be over flowing with a feeling of love and happiness so great, that no other experience on earth can compare. Certainly, you will feel many new things when you hear, see and touch your baby for the first time – but it may not be exactly what you expected. And you know what, that’s okay. And normal.

So, what happens, when after you have a baby, instead of feeling elated and giddy – you are disappointed, frightened, tired and filled with anxiety?

Ask any mother on the planet, and you will realize that the baby bonding experience DOES exist. However, it doesn’t always exist in the way it is depicted in the movies. And, your experience with your baby may be different than your best friend’s was, or change from one of your own births to your second birth.

The reality is that when you have a baby, you never quite know how you are going to feel. Many people have long and exhausting birth experiences that didn’t go as planned, which can leave the mother tired for days. Other women, begin to feel worried that they will not be a good enough mother. Even more mothers suddenly realize the immense responsibility that has just literally, landed on their chest when they look into the eyes of their newborn baby for the first time. Certainly, you feel love in all new ways – but this ‘new love’ can be laced with many confusing emotions as well.

Making matters worse is that in the early months of having a newborn, you may feel confused. You will have a plethora of people telling you what to do and how to do it. You will be dealing with hormonal surges that make puberty look easy.  And, you will be tired.  Caring for a baby is a full time, 24 hour per day, 7 days per week JOB! Your baby may cry a lot, and you may get so caught up in just caring for your baby that you don’t really take the time to stop and smell the roses so to speak. While your instincts may long to hold and rock your baby – the baby books will warn you against doing so in fear that you will spoil your baby. The list of things that can go astray after you have a baby are endless  And even if your instincts are present, it takes time to realize that it is okay to listen to them.

Some moms, (myself included) even felt that my baby didn’t like me. It seemed that everyone else could calm my colicky baby EXCEPT for me, which was a huge blow to my maternal self esteem. I spent hours crying about it, thinking I was the worst mother ever.

But here’s the IMPORTANT THING!  You and your baby WILL BOND. And you will bond in your own way. It may not be this huge, life changing A-HA moment like you expected, but it WILL happen. One day, you will just feel it in the deepest part of your heart and soul.  If it doesn’t happen right away, there is absolutely, positively no reason to beat yourself up and revert to thoughts that you are a bad mother. You’re not. The relationship between you and your baby takes time. While some of the bonds between the two of you started during your pregnancy, there will always be many things to learn about your baby. Just like he or she will learn many things about you as time goes on. And the relationship is always and ever changing from the moment you give birth to the end of your days together.

The best advice if you are concerned about bonding with your baby is to just relax. Allow things to happen in their own time. Give yourself credit for going through a major lifestyle change and be patient. You were chosen to be the mother of your baby by powers larger than you – and you have to learn to trust that you have all the tools already inside you to be the best mom EVER!

Written By Stef, Mom of 4 @MOM-Spirational

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice. All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2016. All rights reserved.

Advice for New Parents

Your pregnancy bump acts like a magnet, attracting unwanted advice from across the land. As soon as you start to show, you will be receiving advice about sleeping, breastfeeding and discipline. It can be tiresome to say the least.

There will be times, however, when you are in need of advice. Perhaps during those first few days, as you struggle to help your baby to latch on for a feed. Or maybe a couple of weeks later, when your baby develops a rash and you don’t know what has caused it. Or maybe a couple of months down the line, when you want a tried and tested method to help your baby with teething pains. So, when you do want parenting advice, where can you get it?

1. Experienced friends – lots of people rely on experienced friends for advice. These friends have been through it all recently, you trust them, and they probably love an opportunity to share their tips and tricks with you. Choose friends whose parenting styles you admire and want to replicate. Remember, just because you’re friends, doesn’t necessarily mean you will agree on everything, so it’s ok to pick and choose which advice you follow.

2. Your parents – some people choose to rely on their own parents or in-laws for advice. This makes sense, after all, you know whether they were good parents or not! You may find that you feel closer to your parents once you become a parent, because you are finally able to truly understand all that they did for you. One thing to be wary of, however, is that their advice may be outdated. Official advice changes over time because of scientific studies and new research coming out, but your parents are unlikely to be aware of this. For example, though parents are now advised to put babies to sleep on their back at the foot of the crib, this wasn’t always the case. Double check any advice that could be outdated, to make sure it is still considered safe.

3. A trusted book – if you’re a bookworm, you might have a whole shelf filled with parenting literature by now. Or, perhaps, you just have the one trusted manual. It’s useful to have a book you can turn to during times of need, and one that can help to shape your overall parenting philosophy. Try to read a variety of books, so that you can pick and choose the advice you find most helpful.

4. Doctor Google – it’s sometimes hard to imagine life before smart phones. How did new parents used to find out whether their baby’s poo was normal, or what to do if their baby projectile vomited? Some new parents search for answers on the internet. There is a wealth of information available, but it may not always be good advice. Be selective about which sites you visit, and whose information you trust.

5. Healthcare professionals – if you are worried that your baby may be ill, of course you should always contact your doctor. However, you may also find healthcare professionals useful in other circumstances too. If your child is having trouble sleeping, is having difficulty latching on, or simply wants to be held all the time, you could ask your healthcare provider for advice. In the UK, you could speak to your health visitor for advice on any issues related to parenting. In the US, you can speak to your pediatrician.

Where do you think you will get your parenting advice from?

Written by Fiona, proud owner of a toddler, @fiona_peacock

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice. All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2016. All rights reserved.

5 Gross Things Your Baby Will Eat

Your baby loves to explore and what better way to explore than with your mouth, right? Every time he stumbles across something new, it goes straight in his mouth. This is devastating enough when it’s the remote for your new hi-fi system, but what about when it’s that new dust bunny from under the sofa? Yep, your baby is not a fussy eater, he’ll try and eat pretty much any non-food item available to him. Here are just a few of the gross things your baby will eat:

  1. Crayons

It doesn’t matter how wonderful a parent you are, at some point, you will walk into the room to find your child with a suspiciously blue tongue. Crayons are not food, but how is your baby supposed to know this without at least attempting to devour a full on? Luckily for you, most crayons are non-toxic these days so aside from the awkward explanations you’ll have to give at the grocery store checkout, your baby’s misdemeanor is unlikely to cause any problems.

  1. Nature

Ah, nature, so tasty. It’s a great idea to get your child out and about exploring nature. Not only do open spaces offer sensory experiences that can’t be recreated in your living room, but it may help to teach your child to love and appreciate nature. How? By proving to him just how tasty it is. Take your child to the beach and he’ll come home with a tummy full of sand. Take him to the countryside and he’ll chow down on some grass. Take him out to find autumn leaves and he’ll eat a few. Your job is to try and stop him doing so, but don’t worry, it’s an impossible task.

  1. Water

Water is a great drink. It’s the ultimate hydrating fluid and contains no sugar or empty calories. Sounds great, doesn’t it? But your baby won’t be drinking it from a sanitized water fountain, oh no. He’ll be taking huge mouthfuls of bathwater each and every time he bathes. You know, right after he’s peed in it. And when you take him swimming, he’ll be glugging away there too. Try as you might, you won’t convince him that not all water is for drinking. Try gently explaining that the water is yucky and redirect him to a more appropriate source of drinking water. One without pee in it, for example.

  1. Pet food

Well, if the dog can eat it, why can’t I? That’s baby logic, unfortunately. Dog biscuits are fun. They’re powdery and hard and smell weird. And they make a great sound when you drop them in the bowl. Oh, and they taste gross, but your baby isn’t fussy. If you have pet bowls in a family area, there’s a high chance your baby will sample pet food at some point. It’s not ideal, it certainly won’t be delicious but it’s unlikely to do your child any harm. If it keeps happening, you may need to relocate the pet food until your child has a more mature palate.

  1. His hands

Don’t worry, he’s not a cannibal, he just can’t stop sucking, chewing and generally slobbering all over his hands. While that may sound better than eating cat food, take a moment to consider all the things your baby’s hands have touched today. Your baby explores everything with his hands. From the cat’s tail to the mud at the bottom of the garden, your baby has touched it all. And, when you’re not looking, he sticks his hand into his diaper even when he’s done a number two. Those hands are about as germ-covered as it is possible for them to be, and yet your baby will happily munch away on them all day long. Yum.

What gross things have you caught your baby trying to eat?

Written by Fiona (@Fiona_Peacock), mother, writer and lover of all things baby related.

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice. All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2016. All rights reserved.

5 Important Things to Consider When Choosing a Daycare

Enrolling your child in daycare is a pretty huge parenting milestone. It is quite often one fraught with worry and anxiety, as you try to find the right daycare for your child. You may feel nervous about leaving your baby with strangers, and feel worried about how your baby (and you!) will cope with the separation.

Daycare can be an enriching, engaging and exciting environment for babies and toddlers. The range of activities on offer, regular routine and abundance of other children to play with mean many young children love daycare. Many babies and toddlers form strong bonds with their daycare key workers, allowing them to enjoy a strong attachment with an adult outside of the family.

Picking a daycare for your child may not be easy. Some parents just ‘know’ as soon as they walk into the right setting, but for others it can take months of deliberation to settle on the perfect daycare. However you decide to approach this decision, here are five important things you should consider:

  1. First impressions

First impressions are important. As a parent, you’ve probably gotten quite good at trusting your gut instinct. Sometimes it’s not quite possible to put your finger on why something doesn’t feel right, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore that bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. Think about your first impression. Does it seem like a happy place? Do you feel welcomed? Do you like the staff? It’s not just your first impressions that matter, think about how your baby reacts too. Does he seem happy and content in the new environment? Does he respond well to the staff members during your visit?

  1. Observations

Pay attention during your visit, you can learn a lot about a place by simply observing what’s going on around you. What are the children doing during your visit, do they look happy and engaged? How are the staff responding to upset or clingy children? Are they looking after the children in the way you would like them to take care of your own baby? Are the children being properly supervised? How are staff handling undesirable behaviour?

  1. The basics

It would be lovely to choose the daycare based solely on whether you love it, but in reality, there are other things to consider. Costs can add up, so you’ll need to do your sums and work out whether the daycare you like is within budget. Find out whether meals and diapers are provided, or whether you’ll need to buy these yourself, as this may affect the total cost. Do the daycare hours fit well with your work schedule? What happens if you’re late for pick up because of bad traffic or a late running train? Is the daycare easy to get to? These may not be the most glamorous of questions, but it’s important to consider them when making your decision.

  1. Recommendations

One of the best ways to find out what a childcare setting is really like, is to speak to other parents. A personal recommendation is worth a lot, so find out what other parents think about the daycare. If you don’t have any friends with children at the daycare. you could wait outside at drop off or pick up time and see if any of the parents can spare five minutes to tell you what they think. This way, you’ll get an unbiased opinion based on experience, which will give you something to go off when deciding where to send your child.

  1. The day to day

Facilities and activities can vary greatly between different childcare settings. Some may have amazing outdoor spaces, whereas others may invest more time and effort in trips outside the daycare gates. Newer settings may have better equipment, and some settings focus more on structured activities than others. Which of these matters most to you will depend upon what you think is most important (and more enjoyable) to your child. Find out how much time the children spend outside, and the sorts of activities the children engage with during a typical day. Are they free to play as they wish, or is there an element of structure within the day? How is undesirable behaviour dealt with, and does the answer compliment your parenting style?

Have you chosen a daycare setting for your child? And if so, what were the most important aspects to consider when making the decision?

Written by Fiona (@Fiona_Peacock), mother, writer and lover of all things baby related.

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice. All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2016. All rights reserved.

Should I be Worried About Head Banging?

Head banging in babies and toddlers is a distressing but surprisingly common behavior. It is thought that as many as one in five children go through a phase of head banging. If you’ve noticed your child banging her head against the side of her crib, you’re likely to be feeling worried about whether something is wrong. It’s not pleasant to watch, but this behavior is considered normal and shouldn’t give you too much cause for concern.

Why does my baby bang her head?

Head banging can be a self soothing behavior for some babies and toddlers, a way to help them unwind at the end of the day. Alternatively, other children may use it to distract from discomforts such as teething or ear infections. The behavior is most commonly seen in boys, and often starts in the second half of the first year. Head banging usually peaks between the age of 18 and 24 months, and most children have grown out of it by their third birthday. Some children engage in the behavior for just a few weeks, but for others it can last months or even years.

How to prevent head banging

In rare cases, head banging can be a sign of a more serious problem so it’s worth mentioning it to your child’s doctor. In most cases, however, head banging is nothing to worry about. Many parents worry that their child will hurt herself, but this is very unlikely. You may feel inclined to wrap the bars with blankets to soften the blow, but this could increase the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and is not advised.

Some babies bang their heads to self soothe before going to sleep. By helping your child to relax before bedtime, it may be possible to eliminate the need for head banging. Moving to a quiet room and reading stories before bed could help your child to unwind after a busy day. A relaxing bath and soothing baby massage could also help your child to prepare for bedtime.

Bedtime behaviors could also be caused by stresses during the day. Babies can quickly become overstimulated by crowds, loud noises and bright lights. They may also feel anxious when separated from their primary caregiver. Make sure you are spending enough quality time with your child during the day. Avoiding busy places probably isn’t an option, but you should make sure your baby has somewhere quiet and safe to retreat to in the event of overstimulation. A sling or wrap that snuggles your baby into your chest is a great option for this, and gives your baby the benefit of some quality cuddle time with you.

If head banging is an ongoing issue in your home, be sure to check the bolts and screws on your baby’s cot regularly. The repeated motion could cause the screws to work free, making the cot a less secure place for your baby to sleep. If you are concerned about your babies behaviour, contact your healthcare provider or pediatrician.

Written by Fiona (@Fiona_Peacock), mother, writer and lover of all things baby related.

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice. All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2016. All rights reserved.

5 Things Not to Say to a Toddler (& What to Say Instead)

As your baby grows older, parenting gets trickier. These days, you’re not worried about the logistics of diaper changes or which diaper cream to use, the problems you encounter are growing more complex. You may be starting to think carefully about how you talk to your child. As your baby becomes a toddler, the words you say could have a big impact on his perception of the world. Choosing your words carefully could also save you a lot of hassle, so it’s worth taking a moment to think before you open your mouth. Here are five things you shouldn’t say to a toddler (and what to say instead):

  1. Be careful!

Toddlers are a little unsteady on their feet and sometimes they stumble. For a parent, this can be nerve wracking, and you may find yourself shouting “Be careful,” a lot. While this may seem like a good way of keeping your toddler accident-free, your words could actually distract him from the task in hand, leaving him more likely to tumble. Toddlers and babies are good at picking up on your emotions. Even from across the playground, your toddler can sense that you’re scared by the sound of your voice. This, in turn, could then leave your toddler feeling scared as well. If you can’t keep quiet, try saying “hold on tight,” or “one step at a time”.

  1. Don’t

Toddlers (and, in fact, adults) respond better to dos than don’ts. It’s just easier for our brains to understand a simple instruction than try to work backwards from a don’t. Instead of saying “don’t run” you could say “walk please”. Instead of saying “don’t draw on the table,”, you could say “paper is for drawing on.”  It may not come naturally at first, but after a bit a bit of practice you should find that it gets easier. You’ll also be able to see the benefits of this one straight away. Why not challenge yourself to a week without don’ts and see how you get on?

  1. I’m busy

Being interrupted every five minutes can be frustrating, especially when you’re in the middle of something important. Try to remember, however, that children are only little once. Before you know it, that little boy will have grown into a teenager and you’ll be left wondering what’s going on inside his head. Telling him you’re too busy to talk now could instill the belief in him that you don’t want to hear what he has to say. It’s ok to be busy, but try to explain nicely, “I need to finish this job, it will take five minutes, then we can play together.”

  1. Hurry up!

Children have no real sense of urgency, and that is particularly annoying when you’re running late for work or are about to miss your train. If you often find yourself pleading with your kids to ‘hurry up’, then you’ve probably already noticed how ineffective this tactic is. Instead of demanding that they hurry up, incentivize them to be faster. That doesn’t mean offering bribes, instead it means turning it into a game. This theory can be applied to pretty much all toddler dilemmas. Toddlers love to play and utilizing this will make your life easier. See who can get their shoes on the fastest, or do the funniest walk on the way to the train station.

  1. No

The thought of parenting a toddler without using the word ‘no’ probably sends shivers down your spine. Perhaps you’re not even aware of how often you use it, but that word is likely to be a regular feature in your day to day life. Does that matter? Yes, the more toddlers are told no, the less attention they pay to the word. If you use it only in times of danger, your toddler is likely to take it seriously. If, however, ‘no’ is the most commonly used word in your vocabulary, your toddler will, in time, simply ignore it. Instead of just saying ‘no’, try calmly explaining why you don’t want your toddler to do something. You may be surprised to discover how many times you automatically try to stop your child doing something for no real reason.

Written by Fiona (@Fiona_Peacock), mother, writer and lover of all things baby related.

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice. All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2016. All rights reserved.

Is It Time for Baths In the Big Tub?

First it was sponge baths, and then you started bathing baby in a specially designed infant tub or maybe even in the sink. He’s getting a little bigger now and you’re wondering: when will it be time to move your baby to a bath in the big tub?

Once your baby can sit up on his own – typically around 6 months – he’s ready for the big bathtub. Here are some tips to make this bath-time transition a little smoother:

  • Make sure the bathroom is nice and warm.
  • Fill the tub with only a couple inches of water.
  • Have some fun toys for baby to play with. Bath time can be a splashing, fun time – and playing around with water may be a completely new experience for baby.
  • Have all of the bathing supplies – soap, washcloth, towel – handy. If you forget something, take baby out of the tub while you get it. Don’t turn your back on baby once he’s in the water.
  • Use a non-skid mat under baby to keep his slippery bottom from sliding around in the tub.
  • A baby’s bath water should be around 100 degrees F (38 degrees C). Test the water with your elbow or wrist before setting baby in or invest in a floating thermometer made just for this purpose. Be sure your hot water heater is set low enough to prevent scalding should the water be inadvertently turned on when baby is near the tap.

Never leave your baby unattended around water – even just for a second. Babies can drown even in just an inch of water. If the phone rings or your attention is needed elsewhere when baby is in the tub, wrap baby in a towel and take him with you, then return to the bath when you’re done.

Keep in mind moving from a comfy, tight tub to a big, open tub can be scary for some babies. Sometimes putting the infant tub inside the big tub the first few times can make this transition easier for baby.

If you don’t have a tub? No problem. Most babies (and toddlers) will happily play at your feet in the shower, and you can easily give them a quick washing before you both get out. Be sure to put a non-slip mat at the bottom of the shower though, so baby doesn’t slip around (and hurt himself). Some parents buy an old-fashioned steel washtub, a large plastic bin or a small inflatable bathtub if they live in a home with only a shower.

Written by Michelle, childbirth instructor, lactation consultant, and mother to 4 busy kids

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice.  All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2016. All rights reserved.