When Will I Feel my Baby Kick for the First Time?

Many pregnant women wonder when they will feel their baby kick for the first time. Your baby starts moving around inside you, during the first trimester. At around week eight, your baby will start to bend and startle. You probably won’t be able to feel anything for quite some time though. Remember, at this stage, your baby is very small. You need to wait for him to bulk out a little, before you can start feeling his kicks and nudges.

When will I feel the first movements?

Most women first feel their baby move between weeks 18 and 20. These initial movements may feel like butterflies in your tummy. Some mums don’t feel anything until a bit later into the pregnancy, depending on the position of the placenta. Second time mums often feel movements sooner, partly because they already know what it feels like.

As your baby grows bigger and stronger, so too will the movements. Over time, the movements will become more deliberate and more frequent. Your baby will have times of rest, and periods of activity just like you. Although, as luck would have it, they don’t often choose to match your schedule. You may find that your baby starts their acrobatic session at around the time you’re trying to get some sleep.

By week 24, your baby may start to get hiccups. This can be quite an odd sensation, but doesn’t usually last very long. As your baby gets more cramped in the uterus, rather than somersaults, you will now be feeling a series of punches and kicks, as your baby tries to get comfortable.


Some women report that feeling their baby move for the first time, made the pregnancy seem more real. When your baby is moving around, you know they are awake so this is a great chance to bond. You can talk to your bump so that baby gets used to your voice. This is also a great opportunity for dad to bond with the bump. Let him feel your stomach as his baby kicks, and get him to talk to the baby too. Many dads report how special it was when they felt their baby kick for the first time.

Reduced foetal movements

Your baby will establish a normal pattern of movement, such as somersaults at bedtime. All babies are different, but you will soon learn your baby’s routine. There is no need to write down each kick, but it is worth paying attention to the general pattern. If you notice you haven’t felt your baby kick at his usual acrobatics time slot, you might feel concerned.

Doctors and midwives usually recommend that you begin counting movements of your baby around the 7th month of pregnancy (about 28 weeks). Around this time you will get to know the pattern of your baby’s movement in a much better way, so you will be able to report any changes to your care provider.

Record the kicks

To record the kicks, choose a time of day when your baby is usually active. Try to count the kicks around the same time each day. Most women find that the best time to do this is 30-60 minutes after dinner since that is often when your baby is most active. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Start a new session when you begin counting your baby’s movements.

Use our App and continue counting by pressing the kick button each time you feel a kick until your baby has moved 10 times. Count any movements including kicks, rolls, swishes, or flutters. If you can’t feel your baby move, try to wake the baby up by drinking a glass of juice, by eating or drinking something sugary, or by walking around for few minutes. Once your baby wakes up, start counting again.

If you notice a considerable INCREASE or DECREASE in movement compared to your baby’s normal daily activity, call your doctor immediately for further advice and directions. If you are worried, always contact your healthcare provider. Don’t wait for your next appointment, and never think your concern is silly.

Your healthcare provider may ask you to go in for monitoring. They will listen to your baby’s heartbeat, and they may offer you a scan, to check your baby is developing ok. In most cases, baby is fine and well, and just a little sleepy.

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice. All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2018. All rights reserved.