Around 7 days after fertilization, the ‘blastocyst’ which will eventually develop into your fetus, will implant itself into the soft and warm walls of the uterus. Due to the lovely influx of hormones, your uterus is ‘sticky’ and receptive to the implantation process. You may or may not know at this point that you are pregnant, because you haven’t quite missed your period yet. This implantation is what will spark the production of massive amount of pregnancy hormones that signal your body not to shed its lining (menstruate) and start the process of pregnancy.
When implantation occurs, you may feel some tinges of pain. In fact, during this phase of pregnancy, you may feel like you are on the verge of getting your period, experiencing the same symptoms that you do during PMS. Your breasts may hurt, you may have cramping, and you may even have slight amounts of blood that are a result from the implantation process. If you know your body very well, and are paying attention – you will likely KNOW that something is going on. Most women just assume that they are not pregnant and are about to get their period, only to find out a few weeks later that all those cramps and tinges of blood was the baby nestling into the uterus.
Amazingly, behind the scenes and even before you may know that you are pregnant – the placenta is already starting to develop and cells are multiplying at phenomenal rates. If you have been trying to conceive, you may be eager to take a home pregnancy test, but really you should wait. At this point, the chances of getting a false negative are still very high considering the levels of hCG (the pregnancy hormone) are only starting to increase. (They double daily once implantation is complete)
The best time to take an over-the-counter pregnancy test is on the day that you expect your period. By this time, there is likely enough hCG in your system to register during your first morning urine. And, if you have experienced some light bleeding or cramping (which may have you confused about whether you are pregnant or not), there is no need to worry. You now know that it was just due to implantation. You may even experience some slight spotting during the same time as your period is due, which is normal in many women. If it continues or gets heavier, consult with your health care provider.
The amazing thing about this whole process is that it is practically invisible unless you had a powerful microscope. An amazing and beautiful reminder of just how awesome your body is.
Written By Stef, Mom of 4 @Momspirational
This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice. All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2017. All rights reserved.