Preparing for Breastfeeding: How much milk will my newborn need?

Did you know at birth your baby’s stomach is the size of a chickpea? By day three, it’s about the size of a walnut, and not until day 10 is it as big as a golf ball. This small stomach size equals small stomach capacity – tiny tummies can’t hold much at once. The good news is that if you’re breastfeeding, your body has made your milk in just the right quantity for a growing baby’s stomach size.

Think of colostrum – your first milk – in teaspoons rather than ounces. It’s just the right amount for baby’s little belly. The nutrients in colostrum are perfect for a newborn, too. Colostrum is low in fat, and high in carbohydrates and protein. The antibodies in colostrum act as your baby’s first vaccine – they keep your baby healthy as his immune system is developing. Colostrum is easy for your baby to digest, and has a laxative effect to help prevent jaundice.

Because breastmilk so easy to digest, babies need to nurse often. Newborn babies typically nurse every 1 ½ to 2 hours. Most of the time, though, the feedings aren’t so evenly spaced. Sometimes baby will want to nurse every hour, and sometimes he will sleep for a longer stretch without waking to feed. Eight to twelve feedings every 24 hours is what you should aim for.

If your baby is having trouble latching in the early days, it’s important to get some nourishment into him. But using a breast pump for colostrum isn’t always effective. Because it is thicker than mature milk, and is produced in smaller quantities, colostrum is more easily hand expressed than pumped. Consider hand expressing colostrum onto a teaspoon, and then dribbling this into your baby’s mouth a little at a time. These calories will help sustain your baby as you work on getting him to latch.

With all of this in mind, here are some tips for successfully starting to breastfeed in the early days after the birth:

  • Plan your birth for breastfeeding success: Pain medications in labor can result in sleepy baby in the early hours and days after birth. A sleepy baby may not nurse very often. This would be a good time to hand express colostrum and spoon feed it to your baby.
  • Spend time skin-to-skin: As soon as your baby is born, ask that they place him skin to skin with you. Stay this way until the first feeding has taken place. Skin-to-skin contact helps baby adjust to life outside the womb and awakens breastfeeding reflexes.
  • Nurse early and often: Most babies are ready to nurse about an hour after birth. Ask for help if you need it. Then continue nursing your baby on cue afterwards in order to bring in a strong milk supply.
  • Room in: Keep your baby with you as much as possible after the birth. You will get to know your baby’s rhythms and hunger cues, which will help get breastfeeding off to a strong start.
  • No supplements or pacifiers (dummies): Unless medically necessary, limit any formula or other supplements. If you do need to supplement, use a spoon, syringe or cup rather than a bottle. Also, try to limit using a pacifier or dummy until breastfeeding is well established. Your baby doesn’t need anything other than your milk at first!

Following some simple steps as you are preparing for breastfeeding will help you set the stage for a strong milk supply and a satisfied and healthy baby. You can also watch some educational breastfeeding videos in our Baby+ App. Click Baby+ iOS or Baby+ Android to install the App, and prepare for the arrival of your little one(s).

What concerns do you have about getting breastfeeding off to a strong start?

Written by Michelle: writer, editor, childbirth educator, lactation consultant, and mother to 4 busy kids

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice. All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2018. All rights reserved.

Do You Need Breastfeeding Classes?

Today, there are classes for everything. One popular choice is a breastfeeding class, offered to women while they are pregnant. These are often offered by your local hospital, or by a lactation consultant or peer counselor. Essentially, they are designed to not only encourage women to breastfeed by going over the benefits of breastfeeding versus bottle-feeding, but also to help you learn some tricks of the trade that may make the transition to breastfeeding after delivery easier. But do you NEED these classes before the baby is born? Here are two sides to the debate for you to consider:

Stef Says:

This mom says no.  For one thing, the decision to breast or bottle feed is a personal one. Chances are you have all the information you need to make an informed choice. Secondly, no matter what your decision is, your baby may have a different plan once he or she is born. You may have had one child that breastfed perfectly, only to have a second child that doesn’t seem to take to the nipple well. And if your baby is not thriving after delivery and you are breastfeeding, the doctors may encourage you to switch to a bottle.

In fact, the time to take a class, would be AFTER delivery, especially if you are having trouble with breastfeeding. Most hospitals today staff lactation consultants who will also help you through the process while you are in the hospital having your baby. Most often, this is enough instruction for you to breastfeed successfully!

Michelle Says:

I’m, of course, a little biased – I’m a lactation consultant, La Leche League Leader, and mom of 4 children who were all breastfed well past the national average. From a professional standpoint, I definitely recommend these classes to all pregnant moms. They are a great place to meet other like-minded moms. Because breastfeeding is rarely encouraged in public in the US, it can be nice to know others are making the same choices you are, and it can be helpful to make connections with those moms during pregnancy to start your support network for the postpartum.

Breastfeeding classes also give you the chance to learn about the myths and realities of breastfeeding. Your Aunt Sally tells you that you need to drink tons of cow’s milk in order to make milk for your baby – but is that really true? Having a trained instructor to ask can get you started on the path to success. The other benefit of these classes is that, while you can’t actually latch a baby to your breast, you may be able to practice positioning and holds to make you more confident as you bring your baby to the breast for the first time after birth.

What Stef and Michelle agree on is that whatever you decide, make sure that you make the decision that works BEST for YOU!

Did you take a breastfeeding class during pregnancy? Was it helpful?

Written By Stef, Mom of 4 @Momspirational 
Michelle, writer, editor, childbirth educator, lactation consultant, and mother to 4 busy kids

This information is not intended to replace the advice of a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltd disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information, which is provided to you on a general information basis only and not as a substitute for personalized medical advice. All contents copyright © Health & Parenting Ltd 2017. All rights reserved.