Sensory play is not just fun for your baby. It’s how she learns about the world around her. Sensory play is just what it sound like. It involves activities in which your baby uses her five senses. Through touch, smell, seeing, hearing and tasting, your baby explores her world and processes new information.
Research indicates that sensory play helps baby’s brains develop nerve pathways that help them learn more complex tasks as they grow. Sensory play promotes all types of development in babies including language skills, problem solving, gross and fine motor skills and even social interaction.
The great thing about adding sensory play into your child’s schedule is it’s easy to do. In fact, you may already be encouraging a balance of sensory activities with the games you play.
There are all types of sensory play activities that you can do with your baby to encourage her development. For example, sensory boards and books are a fun way for babies to feel different textures.
But you don’t have to buy special toys or books to encourage sensory play. Everyday items can be used to create learning opportunities. For example, combine sand and shaving cream to make a sand foam for your baby to play with. Stay close by, since you might need to stop your baby from giving it a taste test.
When your baby is a bit older, finger painting is also a fun type of sensory activity your baby may enjoy. You can make your own edible finger paint out of cornstarch, water and food coloring. It might be a good choice for little ones who are still putting everything in their mouth. Edible finger paint is safe, but it’s not so yummy it encourages a second taste.
You can help your baby explore sound by filling empty water bottles half way with items, such as buttons, beads, water and rice. Seal the bottle tightly and let your baby shake, rattle and roll the bottle to hear different sounds.
Encouraging sensory play can be as easy as stepping outside. If your baby is learning to stand up or walk, let him feel the grass on his feet. Consider blowing bubbles and teaching your baby how to pop them or enjoy a little water play outside. Place toy boats and plastic cups in a shallow plastic tub with a few inches of water. Let your baby splash, pour and play. Remember when your baby is enjoying water play, always stay right by her side as a safety precaution.
Written by MaryAnn DePietro @writerlady34
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