The Juggling Act: Balancing Work and Baby

The Juggling Act: Balancing Work and Baby

Finding the right balance between work and family life is often a challenge for parents. It can be especially tough for new moms and dads who are learning to juggle their new parenting role.

Let’s fact it, parenting is a lot of work. Between feedings, playtime, doctor’s appointments and endless laundry, there is a lot to do. But you may also have another job that pays the bills. Is it possible to juggle both worlds and do it well? The answer is yes. With a little planning, support and attitude, you can find the right balance between work and being a mommy. Consider some of the following suggestions:

Drop the guilt: Lots of new moms work. Whether you work out of financial necessity, or you love your job, remember you’re doing the best you can. Feeling guilty while at work will prevent you from focusing on your job. While feeling guilty when you’re at home prevents you from enjoying precious time with your family. Learn to be present whether you’re at home or work.

Consider alternatives: One way to balance everything on your plate is to consider alternative working arrangements. Working a full-time job and caring for an infant is a lot of work. It can be even more of a challenge if you are breastfeeding or have a long commute. Find out if it’s possible to cut back hours, job share or work from home one day a week. Although an alternative work arrangement may not work for every situation, you never know until you ask.

Let go a little: You don’t have to be a gourmet cook or keep your house spotless. Some things may need to take a back seat while your baby is young. Simplifying meals and letting household chores go a bit are not going to hurt anyone.

Prioritize: Figure out what is most important to you. Is cuddling your baby every night at bedtime non-negotiable? Are weekends away from work a must? Focusing on what matters most will make it easier to let go of certain things and enjoy others.

Get support: You don’t have to do everything yourself. Have your partner pick up some of the slack at home or take your friend up on her offer to babysit. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Carve out “me” time: Taking care of everyone else without taking care of yourself can leave you feeling depleted. Everyone needs a little time for themselves to recharge. Whether it’s hanging out with friends, a date night with your partner or some quite alone time to exercise or just relax, do what helps you decompress.

Written by MaryAnn DePietro @ writerlady34

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