Isn’t everything about a new baby wonderful? The snuggles, their perfect baby smell, and the baby crying.
Oh… wait… maybe the crying isn’t so wonderful.
But in case you hadn’t realized it yet, babies cry. Sometimes for reasons that are completely beyond your comprehension, and sometimes for extended periods of time without any indication of letting up.
Babies cry. And knowing it’s normal doesn’t make it any easier to endure.
It’s said that most babies start to cry more around two weeks of age, with those uncontrollable, un-soothe-able bouts of crying peaking at about six weeks. But for some babies, that can continue on through the third or fourth month, and it can last for hours at a time.
These more extreme baby crying fits are sometimes a sign of colic, which is just the name given to babies who cry even when they otherwise seem to be healthy, happy, and fed. If your little one cries more than 3 hours a day, mostly at night, and seemingly without reason, he or she may have colic. And unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do about colic besides being there, attempting to comfort a baby who may not want to be comforted.
If you’re still hoping to somehow soothe those cries, try skin to skin contact while swaying back and forth. You may also find that dimming the lights or taking a warm bath could help. And some parents find that strapping their little ones into the car seat and going for a drive can provide relief.
The good news is, this is all within the range of normal, and it tends to subside by the third or fourth month. Which means getting through the tears is possible. But that doesn’t mean it’s not stressful. If you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed by the baby crying, put your baby down someplace safe and go to another room where you can have a chance to breathe. Call a friend or family member for help if you need it. Having someone come sit with your baby during the hardest hours for even just one night could be exactly what you need to refresh and recharge.
Most importantly, don’t ever hesitate to take your baby to the pediatrician if you fear that something just isn’t right. While colic can absolutely be normal, there can also sometimes be an underlying cause contributing to those tears. Food allergies, for instance, could result in one very unhappy baby. So trust your gut and ask questions if the tears feel outside the range of normal to you.
Written by Leah Campbell, infertility advocate, adoptive mama, writer and editor. Find me @sifinalaska on Twitter.
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